Transfer Zurich ↔ Geneva

Transfer Zurich ↔ Geneva

Duration: 3h30


Transfer by mini-bus from Geneva airport (arrival section) or hotel in Geneva for Zurich airport or  hôtel in Zurich.

Departure from Geneva or Zurich

Geneva - Zurich and Zurich - Geneva transfer
7:00 – from Geneva
7:00 - from Zurich

10:30 - Arrival in Geneva
10:30 - Arrival in Zurich

*This itinerary is subject to change.


Transfer Zurich — Geneva from 135CHF   >>> Book (KT5601)
Transfer Geneva — Zurich from 135CHF   >>> Book (KT0156)

All year calendar

This product is only valid in conjunction with the KEYPASS. Please be advised that we can not guarantee the type or size of vehicle because it depends on vehicle availability.  However, we always endeavour to pick you up or drop you at your door or as close as possible. .



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